Friday, April 3, 2009

I mainly wanted to use this blog for pregnancy stuff. So those friends who didnt care about the details didnt have to know.
So now I'm back on posting updates to I'll phase this one out eventually.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

2 weeks old

Allison turned 2 weeks old today. Breastfeeding is still hard and it hurts, but it's working, she's back up to her birth weight plus one ounce. The nurse today weighed her at 6 lbs 11 oz. I can already see some fat showing up and her belly is definitely bigger :) I talked to a lactation consultant and got some new tips to try so hopefully it'll get better soon. not much else to speak of. still getting used to everything and we don't have a routine yet. never know if she'll let us go to bed on time or be like last night where I was up till almost 12 trying to soothe her. She grunts alot so naps are possible just not very long.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm going to add breast-feeding to the list of hardest things I've ever tried to do.

Friday, March 20, 2009

First week at home

We got discharged from the hospital right at 48 hours, so we were home by 3pm Saturday. Jeff's parents had arrived the day before and Karen had already started cleaning my house - moms know what will make a woman happy :) My parents arrived just minutes before we got to the house. So now we have 2 moms cooking - very nice. They also are good about buying fruits and vegetables making sure we eat healthy. Unfortunately I'm a little limited on what veggies I can eat for a few weeks. Dr has me on a 'low-residue' diet till my stitches heal. You can guess the gross details.

Allison is one of those sleepy babies so far, so it's been on the easy side. When she is alert, she's very alert which makes her cuter. I'm still breastfeeding. That part is not really easy, we're both learning. I had some cracked and bleeding issues, so I forced myself to finish a book I bought and sure enough I learned a few important techniques. Things are better now, but we're still working on a latch that doesn't hurt. I seem to be more sensitive at night, so Jeff gets woken up with a scream from both of us.

I can tell she's gaining weight but she's still small. Her 0-3 mo outfits are still big on her. And we are not very good at dressing a baby yet and pulling arms through. She can get red with frustration from us. We've only had a couple moments where the screaming was consistent for a while. One of those times I guess it just took her 2 hours to work on a big poop. After that she slept through the night except for me attempting to wake her long enough to feed. I like the sleepy part except where it drags out feeding times in the middle of the night.

Jeff worked from home yesterday all day and is doing that again today. I think his parents leave tomorrow and mine on Monday. He'll work from home Monday and then it'll be me by myself. the days do tend to fly by kinda fast when you're scheduled is revolved around 2 hour feeding intervals - trying to see how much you can squeeze in between. So I have not had that much time to work on more photos. it's on the list.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Birth Story

(warning: Typed in a rush while I could remember details)

Short Version:
cramps 5 am
Definitely contractions: 10 am
arrived to hospital: 12:50
Triage: 1:20 pm
LDR room arrival: 1:30pm
Allison's here: 2:27

Long Version:

I woke up around 5 am with some bad period like cramps. starting watching the clock and they were 8-9 minutes apart. Everyone told me you'll know what a contraction is, the real ones you can't talk through. So I got up and watched the clock. Jeff got up like normal I said sure go to work I think I'll go in late maybe. I was on email at home, doing a little work adn told them I was staying here to monitor it. About 10:30 the pain was more real, I called Jeff and told him to come home for lunch. He stopped and got food, ate it here. By the time he got home about noon the contractions were real - I was screaming through them down on all fours trying to get comfortable. they were about 5 minutes apart, so we were packing up the car. Got to the hospital at 12:50 got a wheelchair and was put in the waiting room. I was already pre-registered so Jeff just had to pay the deductible and show insurance. I was so thirsty from the screaming I was doing in my jacket in the waiting room - trying not to terrify the other visitors too bad. I was going to get up to steal some water from the bathroom adn when I stook up my pants were wet. My water broke about 1:10. It was 1:20 before I got in a triage room. Nurse told me to get in the gown. I had another contraction, screammed and she said dont push, if you feel like you're going to push get out here now. I did. She started something but then left for 5 minutes before checking me. when she did, she was frantic on her phone paging the dr, getting a room, other help. At 1:30 I was moved into an official LDR room. nurses were moving around crazy not really telling me much just that it was happening fast. One started my IV. My dr showed up soon and said oh, this should be fast, her head is about here (length of his finger). I asked if I could get an epidural and he said they would have to get blood work first and most likely that would take 20-30 minutes, so no. No drugs for me. I was pushing,without drugs, I coulnd't believe it. Didnt really have time to digest anything though. Dr offered help by way of a vaccuum. I said if I can't have drugs, I'll take whatever help I can get. So 2 more good pushes and she was out at 2:27.

Jeff was Mr calm throughout it all. or at least he put on that face for me - I'm glad. neither of had much time to digest most of it though. he cut the umbilical cord and was not phased by all the blood :) I'm glad I had my dr there, he was delaying another surgery for me. So after the baby was out, he disappeared for 20 minutes and came back to stitch me up. I have a 4th degree tear, so he put in 4 or 5 layers of stitches - took 30 minutes and that was just as painful as labor. he gave me Novocaine shots but there was still pain. so far recovery is hardest where stitches are concerned. I guess b/c I didnt have drugs in my system, I feel better than expected. my body is sore in strange places I guess from pushing and using muscles not used to.

Both sets of parents are here. Jeff's parents arrived before we were discharged and I came home to a clean house. Sweet! (Thanks Karen). Now we have people cooking for us. another thing I love - not having to come up with a menu. And I've learned a few tips on burping and putting on baby clothes :)

ok, people are back in the house, quiet moments over. I'll try to be good about blogging but sitting in this chair is not comfortable on my bum.

Overall, Allison is doing great - feeding like a champ. She's perfect to us. Beautiful and only really crying when there is something she needs. Jeff is a great daddy; working on making her a daddy's girl.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Allison Milena

We have a name! Allison Milena. She is doing great and is more alert than expected. Daddy is already a champ at changing diapers :) I'm still moving a little slow due to a 4th degree tear but pain meds are a life saver. I'm hoping since I didnt have any drugs for the labor that I'll recover fast, so far so good.
one set of grandparents are in town, the other set is arriving tomorrow hopefully.
More info to come. Photos are on picasa